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Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Camp Kitchen

My darling husband made me nice camp kitchen complete with electricity since we are near the barns and can ruin a line. I have my crock pots, and electric skillet, coffee maker, and a microwave if needed (though I don't like it and won't use it unless there is no alternative).

He also made me an island out of old lumber so that the space on the picnic table isn't taken up by appliances. I bought two of the plastic drawer storage units to put dishes, spices, and paper products in. We have some regular dishes and some disposable, depending on what we are eating.

We bought a gas grill finally, partly because we thought we would need it when the rain prevented electric cooking, and partly because our new house has not electric or gas, so until we get ourselves a plan, we will be cooking on the grill. The camp experience is a good transition for us.

We like corned beef or pot roast hash, but I had to get creative with a camp recipe. Here's what we liked:

Camp Hash
1 lb. corned beef or roast beef from the deli
1 bag seasoned fries (if you are a celiac, try Alexia or Ian's)
1 white onion
3 tbsp butter

Sautee onion in butter until soft. Add diced meat and diced fries and cook until browned. Serve with fried eggs (or no eggs if you are like me and would rather pass).

1 comment:

Bren said...

Your camp kitchen looks very modern!! I love hash....AND eggs!