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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Drastic Shift

I have for a while now intentionally been sporadic in my posting, hoping some people would grow tired and move on. I'm not out to offend anyone, but I found myself in the midst of battles I never wanted to be part of. I tried to be a peacemaker or voice of reason, but it was pointless. There truly are people who have nothing better to do all day than sit and criticize others. I want no part of that. I'm accountable for every minute of my life, and I don't want to answer for that waste, even if my intentions were good.

I was also hoping to dwindle the numbers down to those who are my friends and are interested in more than controversy because my life (and therefore my blog) are about to take a drastic turn. I plan to document (as much as possible) our move and all that it entails. We have bought an Amish farm, which means no electricity and no indoor plumbing. I'm actually quite excited about the whole thing! I've dreamed of these chances for years and now that they are about to happen, I don't want to get caught up in someone else's argument about temporal nonsense. I'm still perfectly open to discussion, but hoping it will be an honest attempt at understanding rather than a trap to use my words against me.

Anyway, enough of the 'crap'. I don't currently even have a computer as mine died and I am using my mother's, but it is on the list to purchase as we will need it for school. I'm going to do my best not to say where we are moving to as part of the reason we are relocating is to get away form the biological families of our kids. And speaking of the kids...the blog still says it is about motherhood, and while I cannot erase the fact that I am a mother of RAD kids, I want to focus now on the Blessed part of the title. There is so much to do and see and try in our new homestead that I want to look back and read. I'll still be honest about our challenges, but hope they become less of a reality.

So, for those who are still with me or those who might find us along the way....welcome to our journey.


Liz in the Mist said...

An Amish farm--sounds exciting! I can't wait to hear about your new experiences.

Lisa W said...

I'm excited for you! An Amish farm? You've sure got your work cut out for you but I am certain that incredible blessings await you in your new journey too. :o) I do have one question though - if you will have no electricity, how will you use computers for school?

Too bad you're not moving out to my neighborhood - the neighbor farm is available. ;o)

motherofmany said...

Thanks for the well wishes ladies!

We'll be blogging as we go about those things- we are doing composting toilets and solar panels for electric. The house already has wood heat which is what we were switching to here, along with MANY other things I've been praying for.

The Amish aren't going to know what to make of us- we wear head coverings but we keep a Saturday Sabbath and don't eat unclean meat. We live in the same town as the Amish here, but not on the same street. Up there, the neighbors around us are all Amish.

NeeCee said...

I look forward to reading your moving posts. I am so excited about your new farm. You are living my dream right now. for now, I'm blooming where I'm planted. :0)

Saved Sinner said...

Wow that sounds very exciting! I'm so happy for you that you're finally able to make a brand new start somewhere else - I remember you mentioning in the past that you wanted to do that.

Anonymous said...

How exciting and adventurous it will be for you all.. I am so happy for you guys, what a blessing and learning challenge this will be. Praying you all a safe haven to whom you will call home....