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Friday, March 30, 2007


Tiany started this, and Heather posted hers, so I thought it would be neat to do, too!

The ABC's of Homemaking

Aprons? Love, love, love them. I like to wear them, I have an assortment of them, and I made several for last Christmas as gifts.

Baking-Favorite thing to bake? Pie.

Clothesline -Y/N? Yes. We went a long time without a dryer and all we had were the clotheslines. I love sheets dried outside in the spring!

Donuts-Ever made them? Yes, but my brother is the donut expert in our family.

Everyday-One homemaking thing you do everyday? Just one? Dishes.

Freezer-Do you have a separate deep freezer? Yes. We have 2 chest freezers.

Garbage Disposal-Y/N? No. We have goats.

Handbook-What is your favorite Homemaking resource? Encyclopedia of Country Living by Carla Emery.

Ironing-Love it or Hate it? The only time I iron is when I am putting heat-n-bond on something.

Junk Drawer-Where is it? The side drawer of my buffett.

Kitchen-Design and decorating? Old-fashioned general store.

Love-What is your favorite part of homemaking? When the house it totally clean and I can sit down with a small sewing project in my lap next to my husband.

Mop-Y/N? I have a mop for big messes, but clean my floors with a bucket and rags as a rule.

Nylons?-I prefer knee socks, or nothing at all!

Oven-Do you use the window or open it to check? Our oven light works, but I grew up with an oven that didn't have a light, so I still open the door a crack to check.

Pizza-What do you put on yours? Broccoil, tomaotes, hot banana peppers, spinach, herb and garlic oil sauce, and soy cheese (lactose intollerant)

Quiet-What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? Reading. I have a book addiction.

Recipe Card Box-Y/N? Yes.

Style Of House / What style is your house? Single story WAY off the road. We are planning an addition.

Tablecloths and napkins?-We have several sets from grandmothers and mother-in-law, and we use paper napkins for lunch.

Under the sink? - Trash bags, sponges and scrubbers, cleaners, and dishwasher stuff (and a lock on the outside).

Vacuum-How many times a week? Three to five.

Wash - How many loads do you do a week? I would say an average of three loads a day since we generate barn clothes, too.

X's-Do you keep a list of things to do and check them off? I make lists but have a tendency to lose them!

Yard-Who does what? We do it together, whoever is available for which job or is able physically (you can ride the mower with a knee brace, but not do the weeding).

ZZZ-What is your last homemaking task for the day? Run the dishwasher and put away food.

1 comment:

runningtothecross said...

That was great! I love your garbage disposals...goats will eat just about anything. I guess banana peels are supposed to be really good for them and a treat. They also like corn shucks! Chickens will eat everything that the goats won't, too!

Anyway, I got a good laugh! I just loved doing mine.
