Another reason we ate this way was that I learned to cook from my grandmas and my dad, and they were depression eaters. I don't mean emotional eating, I mean people who learned to survive during the Depression. They were poor even by Depression standards. What's the cheapest thing to eat? The free thing. So my maternal grandma would go out in the yard and pick greens and cook them. She did this right up till her death. She was doing that at my house one day when our foster daughter got off the school bus and the poor girl asked me, horrified, "Are we going to eat grass?!?" My other grandma learned to bake without the 'good' ingredients and still have it turn out nice. And if you had seeds to plant a garden, you were blessed!

I have learned a few things I did not know or understand the reason for, though, from the Nourishing Traditions book. I now know why oatmeal was soaked, why expensive yeast isn't worth the money, and why fermenting foods didn't just make them taste better, it made them better for you. I remember my grandma's sauerkraut jar sitting in the corner of the kitchen. People were horrified by it! And once when I was young and foolish and she had been staying at our house, I said I was tired of homemade applesauce. We had an orchard and it was free. I'd give anything for some of her applesauce now. It made store-bought taste like mulch.
So anyway, we do eat very much like Nourishing Traditions. I have not read the whole book yet to know for sure, but have found that the traditions I was raised with pertaining to food are very much what the author promotes. And they're also great memories!
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